Gorgeous Nail Art That I’ll Never Be Able To Do

Hey girl hey. And boy.

Andddd another unexpected blog. SO I was planning on posting a recipe blog today but guess what? I didn’t get a mixer yet. Woohoo!🙃 I’ll make it tomorrow and I’ll upload it Thursday. THEN, I was like wait I could do fall diys right? But guess what?!

a. I don’t have the supplies (and everything closed 5 today so too late to buy some)

b. I’m untalented.

So I was like “okay I’m screwed”. I mean I totally could’ve ditched today’s post since blogging is not a chore for me and no one would notice BUT I decided to be nice and was like “wait, I remember that one time when I couldn’t think of a blog post…wait what was that…oh yeah!…Gorgeous Back To School Hairstyles That Never Work On My Hair! Wow that’s a long title 😂 So I decided to kind of go with that theme and make a fall edition for nails. And ugh I’m just super untalented when it comes to girly things.

ANDDD 2 more things. Lol sorryyy I know you’re sleeping or clicked out by now but you always have a choice to scroll down…whichhh I don’t recommend doing but if you want to just ignore me like that, fine!

Image result for fine then gif ..moments later..Image result for crying gif


  1.  I’m not going to post everyday for a week since I’m not really feeling the whole fall blog thing. Like I could only think of 3 blog posts I could do so I’ll drop fall blogs every now and then but I’m going to call them “Fancè”. Basically fall and bayance and then pronounced like “fancy” but with an accent. I don’t know, okay? 😂 if you have any recommendations, please comment below because I’m really desperate for creativity. 😂
  2.  Have you guys noticed my fall makeover? I changed a few things but still! Instead of tea, you get latte so FALLow me 😂😂 Get it? Okay that was like the worst first impression ever. But seriously, visit my site quickly and check it out. Unless you’re reading this in spring 2018 thennn too late.

Okayyy now on to the actual blog.


#1- Gradients

Image result for fall nails maroon gradient Image result for nails orange gradient Image result for nails brown gradient

So apparently to get this beautiful effect, you just use a sponge? But no no no you need some serious talent. If I were to do this, it would probably look like my loofah notebook 😂. And then there would be like nail polish everywhere! I mean I would love to have someone do them for me but like for a diy- it would fail.


#2- Chevron

Image result for black chevron nails Image result for orange chevron nail Image result for maroon chevron nail

I honestly don’t understand how this is made. I tried to do it once by making zig-zag tape cutouts but that obviously didn’t work. And I obviously can’t do that freestyle so… 😂


#3- Glitter

Image result for glitter nails Image result for glitter nails Image result for orange glitter nails

I fail at all glitter projects so on nails it’ll be even harder. I once tried this glitter glue thing and the glitter just kept coming off through out the day like wow 😂


#4- French Tip

Image result for french tip   Image result for french tip Image result for french tip

Y’all even one of the easiest nail arts ever is never perfect on my nails. I tried the whole tape method but the white nail polish just got all over my cuticles. Tbh, I’m pretty sure my crafty side is still in 1st grade.


#5- Marble

Image result for marble nails Image result for marble nails Image result for marble nails

How the hell?? Next thing you know, they’ll create flooring nail art too.


#6- And just impossible nail art…

Image result for cool fall nail art Image result for cool fall nail art Image result for cool fall nail art Image result for cool fall nail art

Image result for cool fall nail art Image result for cool fall nail art 

I can’t even draw most of these on paper, let alone nails. Like what do they even use? A micro-pencil??

Image result for smallest pencil ever


Well anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this blog 😂. I might do makeup looks next time I don’t have anything to post. Let me know which nail art you could do or would like to master in the comments. I’ll see you guys on Tuesday.

Bayyy 💞





30 thoughts on “Gorgeous Nail Art That I’ll Never Be Able To Do

  1. laixica says:

    Each time I put nail varnish on, one of my fingers get smudged, so I put more nail polish on which ends up looking like the 100 layer challenge and then when I think my nails are dry I smuge every single one which results in me giving up and crying.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. KaylynsWorldBlog says:

    The nail designs are really cute! Don’t feel alone because I could never do ANY of these nail designs! Are you sure that some of those nail designs are not fake nails? If you like to craft then you could pick up a craft kit or something from Michaels or Hobby Lobby and that could be something creative you could do!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. mysticwriter2002 says:

    For making nail art first of all you should have long nails ; second waste or spare time and third patience. Well i dont have all I mentioned😂😂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. abbeycoseattle says:

    haha dont worry, Im pretty sure most normal people wouldnt be able to do these nails either! I am actually really feeling fall blogging! In summer I was out and about so much I feel like I never had time to write good stuff. I have so many posts planned especially with Halloween coming up, and its pumpkin season too!

    Liked by 1 person

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