Why I Hate Swimming

Hey girl hey. And boy.

When most people think of summer, they think of an ice cold pool just waiting to be dived into. Or cold waves crashing along the seashore with people surfing and swimming. Seriously, if I search up ‘summer’, these are like the majority of the results.

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But not with me. I hate swimming. I think the hatred started about 5th grade when I guess I just lost hope in being able to swim. 😂 Yes guys, I still don’t know how to swim properly to this day. Don’t judge. 😂 I know if I were in an emergency, swimming would come in handy but you’ll soon find out how swimming is dangerous in itself and all around annoying. So without further ado…adieu…which one is it?…let’s get started.


So before I even begin to rant about swimming itself, we need to talk about the changing part. One of the things that suck about being a girl is that we take 500 times longer to change than guys, especially into swimming suits. All guys have to do is put on their flowy shorts and they’re out. Meanwhile, girls have to wear like the tightest swimsuits and take off all the layers on already. And I know a lot of you are like huh? Bikinis don’t take a long time to put on. But when I used to swim in Elementary school, I’d put on shorts with a one piece over. Last year before I got a full hijabi swimsuit, I used to wear a long sleeve, a flowy shirt, jogging pants and a swimming cap. 😂 So you can imagine the struggle of putting it on, let alone taking it off. Plus, I’m pretty sure some bikinis have like straps that you need to tie which probably won’t take as long but still. 😂 Okay no offence but I’ve always wondered – if you don’t feel comfortable walking with your bra and underwear, isn’t a bikini just the same thing but waterproof? 😂 I don’t know – I’d personally feel pretty exposed. But seriously, #makegirls’swimmingsuitseasytoputon!

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It doesn’t stop there, changing into your clothes after swimming is a whole other story. Not only are your dripping wet (the towel literally does nothing 🙄) but your swimsuit is like SUPERGLUED to your body. 😂 It’s soo annoying and such a pain. It’s not even that feeling you get after a nice shower – it’s chlorine and it doesn’t feel good. Swimsuits and goggles leave marks too which is even more annoying outdoors. Most of the time, I end up really cold after and to top it all off, I get a headache. Like swimming couldn’t be any better. 🙃

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My major problem with swimming is the breathing part. I don’t have asthma or anything but I literally don’t get how people turn to the side and breathe without panicking. I know I sound psycho right now but every time I try to turn to breathe,

  • a). my spine curves like a banana and I lose all stability
  • b). i don’t get enough air and end up hyperventilating

It’s so annoying and I have no idea why swimming is not going smoothly with me. Water is supposed to relax the body but with me, it’s like dropping a cat in a pool and calling it a day. 😂

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me irl

Some people advise me to breathe from my nose to prevent the whole half gasping- half hyperventilating chaos. But every time I attempt to breathe from my nose, so much water comes in and it feels TERRIBLE! It’s kind of like when you drink pop and it fizzes in your nose but like you’re about to die here. 😂 And then everyone would be watching me turn into that one person at a restaurant, the lifeguard is preparing to dive in and the doctor’s about to diagnose me with tuberculosis so it really can’t get any more awkward.

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Hygiene isn’t the best in pools either. I know they clean it but so many people admit to peeing in pools like bruh. I just searched this up but a study shows that 8 GALLONS of pee are found in an average swimming people. 64% of Americans, 58% of Canadians, 46% of Brits and 44% of Germans admitted to peeing in swimming pools. There’s. something. called. a. toilet! Sorry for all the stats but I’m genuinely disgusted. 😂 And to make matters worse, once I saw a DEAD fly floating on the pool. I think that just triggered me because if you couldn’t tell by my Why I Hate Insects post, insects are like my archenemies (if that’s even a word). 😂 Plus, by the beach, there’s so many leaves and rocks and dirty waste so I don’t even bother trying to swim there. Google images needs to be more accurate.

Image result for clean beach Related image

expectation vs reality

It’s not only the pool that could be dirty but the changing rooms as well. Changing rooms are SO cramped and sometimes they’re dirty. This one time there was poop in the corner of a stall. Like why??! 😂 It was so gross and ughfhjfgbdjkm. The floor is so wet and gross and there’s literally nowhere that’s clean. I’m not expecting a fancy hotel washroom (okay maybe I am😂) but like at least have a little sense of cleaning after yourself.

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In my old old school (I’ve been at a lot of schools lol), girls had to change in front of each other and I was like bruh no thanks. 😂 It was such a hassle to juggle the towel and change under it. Like I know we were young, but hello? Privacy? 😂 And in 3rd grade, we had to do a swimming course and guess what our teachers said? “Every two people in a stall”. Like hell no. 😂 Thankfully my best friend’s mom was there to save the day and made sure me and my friend had separate changing rooms. And finally, in 6th grade, we had this other swimming trip (I HATE SWIMMING TRIPS) and there were two grown women completely naked having a conversation on the bench outside the changing rooms like what?? 😂 I know we’re all girls but like no thanks. Moral of the story, I need my own private first class fancy hotel-style changing room (yes, that totally made sense).

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And finally, my hair once I leave the swimming pool is the worst reason of all. I don’t know what chlorine does to hair but it literally turns mine into paper. 😂 My wet hair gets stuck in EVERYTHING and it takes forever to brush it. It’s literally to the point where I don’t even bother brushing it and now it’s tangled forever. I don’t know why but chlorine also makes hair smell bad. It’s like a weird sweaty smell and ugh it’s disgusting. And you’re probably like just wear a swim cap, but I have the thickest hair on earth and it doesn’t fit in any swim cap without slipping off. 😂 Thankfully, I have the hijabi swimsuit now (even though I look like a scuba diver in it 😂) but somehow my hair still gets sticky. It’s less now so that’s great but one thing I know for sure is that I’m never going into the pool with my hair again.

Image result for wet hair gif Related image

everyone vs me


In conclusion, I need my own fancy changing room, a doughnut floatie and a 5 star pool made of fresh water. 😂😂 And if I were to ever be stranded in the Pacific ocean, I’d probably die from hyperventilating at my attempt to swim before I’m supposed to drown so..I rest my case. 😂

Do you like swimming? (we’re not friends if you do..justtt kidding..or am I?…wow this is the longest bracket I’ve written)

Do we share any swimming pet peeves?

What’s your favourite summer activity? (better not be swimming 😂)

I’ll see you guys in my next post.

Bayyy. 💞

69 thoughts on “Why I Hate Swimming

    • Bayance says:

      I’d love floating on my back but every time I try that I get too scared that water would come in my nose again and then I end up losing balance 😢 I need to get one of those doughnut floaties. SAME! Haha truee but ugh what a pain 😒

      Liked by 2 people

  1. Natalie Therese says:

    I’ve practically grown up with water, ’cause my house has a pool attached, but I hate public pools, like so gross. I stopped swimming in them after I heard this little kid say ”Hey, Mommy, I’m peeing!”.
    Despite the fact that I have my own (almost personal?) pool, I didn’t learn to swim until I was like eight, and I have some very distinct memories of falling into the pool and nearly drowning (yeah, I totally cheated death there), especially this one time where my beloved black cat was on the diving board in the deep end, and I saw her jump, so I leaped after her, but of course I couldn’t swim so I had to be rescued by my older brother. Afterwards I realized that my cat had jumped to the side and hadn’t actually fallen into the water…oops.
    GIRL! They made you change IN FRONT OF OTHER PEOPLE?? *gags and shudders* I couldn’t ever ever do that. Like, I know they were all girls, but seriously, PRIVACY, PEOPLE!
    I so wish swimsuits weren’t so tight! I’m 12 and I wear a women’s size, which all are cut to be really tight and ”slimming” I guess? And they all have bras in them, like, I don’t need them and I can’t take them out, argh! Plus the design’s aren’t fun at all, like, let me have my childhood.
    Great posy!

    Liked by 3 people

    • Bayance says:

      Ooh my own 5 star pool would be great but I’d probably drown 5 billion times and there’d be no lifeguard so rip 😭😂 EW ikr why do people even pee in pools? 🤢 OMG gurl stay safe!! LMAO your cat totally syked you there. Like wow cat, I went in the pool for you and my sacrafices went to waste 😂 This one time when I was 9 my dad tricked me into thinking that the deep end was shallow so it gave me courage to keep swimming (with a kicking board) until at one point, I was like I need a break so I let go of the board and put my feet on the ground.. except there was no ground. 😂 Thankfully my dad saved the day so phew.
      IKR like where’s my privacy?? 😫 I found a way to change privately but like my childhood was scarred by naked 7 year olds 🤢
      IKR like what is going on? This is a PG pool not a Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show. Wait really? Can we trade because my swimsuit does NOT have a bra attached and it looks really weird! Tmi but seriously I need to get a bikini top to wear under. And especially when you leave the water and everything is like glued to your body *shudders* be thankful for that bra part 😂😂 Unless it’s like those huge rock paddings then no thanks 😂 wow this comment is really weird – sorry! 😂
      Neat commy and seriously your comments make my year 💗

      Liked by 2 people

      • Natalie Therese says:

        Hahaha, you’re welcome to come swim any time, and you don’t have to change in front of anybody, haha.
        IKR! Like, really? I feed you, you ungrateful feline! (JK, she’s the best haha)
        Yeah, I couldn’t ever do that. I’d just fake sick or something, no thanks to preteen Victoria’s Secret.
        Girl, totally! I don’t even wear actual bras yet, I usually just wear a camisole or tank top underneath my shirts, but seriously the one in my swimsuit is like ridiculously oversized and makes me look so weird, but you are welcome to it. And by the way, I forgot to say this before, but I totally agree with you on bikinis, like only incredibly skinny people can wear them, and they are literally just a bra and underwear people. (but getting one to wear under a swimsuit is genius).
        If anyone’s comment was weird, it was mine, so no worries, I’m just a generally weird person.
        Your comments make my day/month/year/life continually, you rock, girl.

        Liked by 2 people

      • Bayance says:

        Haha okay I’m coming over AND stealing your swimsuit (I’m a great friend) 😂
        Ikrr like um is this waterproof lingerie? Yess I should get them to wear under because my swimsuit by itself looks really awkward.
        AWW gurl you too!! 💗 Have an awesome day.

        Liked by 2 people

      • Natalie Therese says:

        I’m already hacking up a watermelon we can eat by the pool (and buying a new swimsuit haha).
        YASS, EXACTLY!! Like, who’s idea was it to hang around in their underwear??
        Have an amazing day, too! I so wish you could actually come over, we’d have a total blast. 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

  2. Arabella says:

    I kind of like swimming- I can swim but changing is so hard and we have to go almost every day. Then when I don’t go I can’t go on the computer. So basically punishments wither way.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Bayance says:

      UGH THAT WOULD BE A NIGHTMARE! We had to swim every week last year and it was awful changing and getting to class in time. Haha wow. 😂 They should let you guys go on the computer though.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. ProfessionalDreamer says:

    FINALLY there’s someone else who doesn’t like swimming! I also don’t really know how to swim. Like, I know the logic of it, so if I were being chased by a killer turtle in a pool or something, idk, I could doggy paddle away. But I sure don’t know that fancy breastroke and freestyle and stuff. Also, I’m so with you on the swimsuit and changing room crisis. Once I was changing in a stall and there was an ENTIRE hamburger in the corner. Ok so WHO EATS IN A PUBLIC CHANGING ROOM much less a burger. I was scarred since then 😂
    Okayyyy this was way longer then I expected. Oops. Great post!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Bayance says:

      YASSS GURL WELCOME TO THE SQUAD! 😂😂 Sameeeeeee!! Like I know the basics but ugh breathing is so hard. I’d probably go 0.1% faster if a shark was chasing me which sucks because I swim at a pace of 1 meter an hour 😭 OH NOO not food!! Like why do people do that? Changing room = changing clothes. It’s pretty self-explanatory 😂 Gurl no worries I love long comments – thank you so much!

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Mal says:

    swimming is LIT!!! (ignore the cringe) im on swim team and used am used to basically everything annoying about swimming.(haha) my only pet peeves are that our coaches are too hard on us during the winter, my goggles get foggy (even when theyre the ani-fog ones), and the infamous laneline monster. XD

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Aqsa 💜 says:

    I like swimming but just like floating around and not going under lol. I also have ptsd of sorts because my cousin pushed me into the deep end of a pool and I didn’t know how to swim which was a yikes 😂 And I relate about the swimming trip! The same thing happened to me in Grade 3 and ughhsjak I have no words 😂😖

    Liked by 2 people

    • Bayance says:

      I seriously need to get myself a donut floatie because I can’t float naturally for the life of me. LMAO 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 When I was 8 my brother told me he’d catch me at the end of the waterslide since the water was deep for me and he DIDN’T. 😭 It was so traumatizing. Ughhh yes like what are the teachers thinking. Like I know you’re trying to save time but no thanks 😂

      Liked by 2 people

  6. Mary Añonuevo says:

    We actually share the same swimming pet peeves! But surprise, surprise, I love swimming 😂 Sorry, B. But it’s not actually swimming swimming lol I just like swimming at the side of the pool, more like playing and pretending that I’m a mermaid that kind of stuff XD I actually don’t take “swimming” very seriously while I’m swimming. I feel like I’m playing in a much larger version of a basin. And I’m almost 18 so it doesn’t feel right. But… yeah. I don’t even like the beach?! (someone kill me now) but I hate the SMELL and I hate how you instantly get super dark and you smell like a fish when you get out of the water. And all those weird things you step on and the little fishes chasing you and OH MY GOD a jellyfish chased me before (actually I don’t know if it really was that) so I had a bad experience in swimming in the beach. So. Great post, always! XOXO

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Shay says:

    I LOVE swimming. It’s like one of the only things I’m good at 😂 but I hate the aftermath of swimming. Like you said, I hate swimming changing rooms, they’re so gross and I hate wet hair after swimming and I always end up downing a bunch of chlorine pee water.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Enni says:

    I have a love-hate relationship with swimming. I mean, I like it when I’m at beaches and stuff because when you’re at a beach, then you well, swim. But after I heard about people peeing in pools I never wanted to go to one again because it’s just…WHY?! Also, I have a hard time shopping for swimsuits because I have a tall and skinny build so I don’t really fit in girls’ swimsuits but I DEFINITELY don’t fit in women’s swimsuits so I’m just awkwardly in between. Also, once I was in the women’s changing room and there were like two ten-year-old boys inside too so I was like um…GO AWAY.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Bayance says:

      Hmm that’s understandable (i still believe I’ll probably get eaten by a shark one day) IKRRR like does it look like a toilet?! Oh my the stryggle. I’m tall but I’m not that skinny so swimsuits tend to fit me alright (I’m still signing up for boy shorts though 😂) WHAT 😂😂😂 once I was at a beach when I was 6 and there were two naked 8 year olds waiting outside the changing rooms like ??? 😂

      Liked by 2 people

  9. Anna says:

    Ah this post is amazing =) I frickin love to swim, more than anything, but just reading this made me want to hate it 😂😂 Also the part about bikinis being the same as a waterproof bra, YES. I still don’t get how people can walk around in bikinis 😂😂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Bayance says:

      Thank you so much! HAHA GURL I’m going to keep trying to persuade you 😂😂 Righttt?! Like I guess it’s because the idea’s so common so people don’t really see how weird it is but I still don’t get it. 😂

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Veronica M. says:

    Ahah this post is so relatable!! I’ve gotten more fond of swimming than I used to be but I’m still awful at it. And I absolutely despise going underwater-Pagh the thought of holding my breath in that way freaks me out. xoxoxo

    Liked by 2 people

  11. cityofquiet2 says:

    BRUH THERE WAS A NEW POOP THIS YEAR LMAO. I also had a moment after P.E where a COCKROACH WAS IN MY STALL AND I WAS SCREAMING WHILE UNDERWEAR NAKED WAIST BELOW AND IT GOT IN MY HIJAB AND BAG AND I DIDNT KNOW WHAT TO DO AND I PUT MY PANTS ON AND GOT OUTSIDE AND EVERYONE WAS LAUGHING. I also had moments where the sink would be filled with water and I wouldn’t notice and put my hijab or bag in it and walk out with a dripping wet hijab like oh I didn’t know there was water in the sink and- nevermind. I hated P.E changing and would always look forward to Tuesday’s where P.E was last period and I could just walk out with my smelly p.e clothes and go home 😂😂😂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Bayance says:

      RIPPPP 😂😂😂 OMGGHJVWDUHBNBJVQKHCVIYWDGQKHJ I WOULD DIE!! 😂😂 I’d probably forget my clothes and make a run for it lmao 😂😂 IN YOUR HIJAB AND BAG?! Ughh I hate insects!! Hahahahahaha wow!! 😂 Like hey guys I just went for a swim with my clothes – it’s not like I left them in a filled sink or anything. P.E. started to be last period?! Remember we’d always be late to science class and Mrs.Amel would be like *sniff* *pulls out perfume* 😂😂 Classes after PE were the worst. And I kept wearing that off white hijab and you could clearly see my hair because the hijab’s wet and seethrough. 😂

      Liked by 2 people

      • cityofquiet2 says:

        Yesss ugh 😂😂😂 this year though the boys decided to BOMBARD US with Axe deodorant like that is the holy grail for boys. And this time we would be the smelly ones and the boys would come from swimming and the teacher would be like you guys smelllll and the boys would get so angry and be like GIRLS GIRLS GURLS MISS NOT US

        Liked by 2 people

  12. Yusra Patni says:

    Oh I used to hate swimming, now I love it because I can cool down and become refreshed. I only like doing it for fun though! I hate swimming seriously or in lessons

    Liked by 2 people

  13. annasramblings says:

    You just need a patient teacher. I’m a lifeguard and teach fives and up, and some take more than others, but most can handle it. Ask at your pool, they’ll do private one to one lessons. As for changing rooms…yes, I know!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Bayance says:

      Ugh I guess. My dad and brother are like so good at swimming and I’m like okay how? 😂 That’s so cool that you teach. I had lessons in like grade 2 but forgot everything 😂 Ughhhh they’re the worst!


  14. annasramblings says:

    School swimming lessons are dire. I remember doing them and being useless at it. Then I was taught n a small group before moving on to one-to-one, and thats the path I advise now. Parents etc are ok but there is too much pressure on you to do well.

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