Community Starts at Home

Hey girl hey. And boy.

My mom and I were talking about giving back to the community yesterday and it went something like this.

Me: My old teacher was telling me about the number of refugees that are filling the school and the recent ones that don’t know how to read and write. She wants to accommodate for everyone but it’s super hard teaching now that there are people with different levels of ability.

Mom: Ah, the new Syrians that escaped the borders. It’s definitely been tough for them.

Me: Yeah, I want to help. But I have school to attend and it’s hard tutoring because it’s a far drive. Maybe I can start with my own neighbourhood. And just volunteer and tutor math and English in the summer. A lot of the refugee parents came here to give their kids an education too but it’s hard with the language barrier and all the learning they missed out on. I can start helping this summer!

Mom: Wow look how fast you are helping people outside. Like a pumpkin’s plant. What about your own family? I need to improve my English, I need help with chores, and your siblings need to improve their reading.

Image result for carrotgrowing Image result for pumpkin growing

carrots grow deeper into the ground and build their foundations upwards 

And oh. my. God. THAT got me thinking. I felt such a huge responsibility to help the local community but while being blinded by all these ambitions, I forgot that the very first people you need to aid are your own family. Community starts here. In your own home and in your own family. I feel like I always tell myself that I’m not going to be the kind of child that abandons her parents when they get old because I’m too “busy” but just the way I went about this situation without taking my family into account got me thinking about how much we as youth want to take on huge roles and create projects.

But what about the projects we make within our own families?

How much time do we actually make for them?

Just think about it. How often do you check on them? How often do you check on your siblings? How are they doing at school? We got so well at co-existing with one another but do we fulfil each other’s needs well enough?

And I think that’s the day it clicked in me that community starts as small as within your own family members. If everyone started checking up on the ones they love and making sure they make change within their homes, then we can seriously change so many people on a wider scale.

I also learned that I will not truly achieve change if I don’t have an effect on my own family. I’ve been surrounded by these people, that I didn’t choose, for a reason and I discovered that it’s extremely important to make sure the people around you get the help they need from you. And if everybody looked out for the people around them, and within their own homes, the world will be a much better place.

This doesn’t mean that I won’t be helping other people. It just means that I want to always make sure my family comes first and make the ratio for helping my family never less than the time I put outside. I was recently having a conversation with Gracie about the constant worry we have to impact the world and where we should start. And for me, I finally found the answer. It starts here. Right now.


Anddd that’s all for today.

This post was all over the place but I had to go grandma mode real quick. I’ve been so busy this past week with exams, today I spent the morning at my sister’s field trip and the evening at a friend’s birthday party, and tomorrow I’ll be going to an amusement park for the whole day (inshallah). So much is going on but I hope to be back next week with more content, especially that school is finally out! Whoop whoop!

What is your sense of community?

How well is the community at home doing? (on a scale of 1-10, I’m rating myself a 3 for the lack of help I give my mom and siblings but I hope to improve that!)

What’s your favourite amusement park?

I’ll see you in my next post.

Bayyy. 💞

27 thoughts on “Community Starts at Home

  1. Tess says:

    WOWWWW mind blowing as usual but especially mindblowing. wow.

    my favorite amusement park is six flags over texas and holy guacamole, i love roller coasters. what park are you going to?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Bayance says:

      Thank youuuu! I’m so glad you liked it and it was definitely an aha moment for me too

      Ooooh girl I want to try those and haha I’m not sharing the location for anonymous reasons but it’s a major one in Canada.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Jayati says:

    ah, this post is just so true and it made me realise that giving back isn’t going out and being some hotshot activist but helping people in small ways,
    Thank you for that!

    My grandmother always wants to learn more and I can definitely help her by telling her how to use the internet to get the videos she wants and well, I think a little something is better than nothing at all!

    All the best on your community service and hope you are able to achieve what you want!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Bayance says:

      Aaah Jayati this comment is so kind thank you! Saaaame I always picture myself being some activist fighting for everyone but what about my own family? The small stuff go a long way.

      Aaah girl that is definitely a good start. Grandmas and technology I tell ya but it’s good to learn and teach! And exactly – small stuff can mean big stuff for other people.

      Thank you SO much – you too! 💓

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Jo says:

    say it louder for the deaf in the back Bay! *clapclap clap* I remember feeling really depressed that we here in North America had it so good when everyone everywhere else was struggling and my sister said something along the same lines, that no matter where you go you’ll always find people who need help and just yeah this post deserves more views than it got

    Liked by 1 person

    • Bayance says:

      Aaah Jo thank you so much you’re always so supportive djydysjsgts 💓💓 I’ll melt soon! Omlll I love that. There are people who have bigger problems but we need to start with helping the people around us so that they can help others too. Thank you!!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Olivia @ Purely Olivia says:

    This is really, really great!! I love what you said so much, and it reminded me to take a step back in the next few days (+ in the future in general) and take a look at how my family is doing. I love what you said about still helping others, but just remembering that you can help people right in your own house too! It reminds me of the saying “you can’t help others before you help yourself” but in this case, with your home being yourself, if that makes sense. Lovely post ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Aditi says:

    Hey Bayance! I found your blog once before but I never really stuck around… so I’m gonna start over.
    Hi! I’m Aditi and I love your blog. I especially loved your post because it’s so important to realize that family is community and it all starts with the people you love and who love you back. I really hope more people will recognize that. So I read somewhere that this priest guy left town hoping to find people to aid and finally realized that even in his own town there were so many people to help.
    So I hope we can become friends! It’s really great reading your blog ❤ ❤ ❤ as well!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Bayance says:

      NDBGSUSJGSYSKSHSTSY HEYYY I’d LOVE to be blogging friends! This comment was SO sweet – thank you so much!! 💓💓 It means a lot. And omg I love the story you shared, we shouldnt forget the people who were with us since day 1! And who we need to aid throughout our lives. Love this comment tysm!!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Amber says:

    Hey Bayance! 💜
    You are so totally right. Like I’m always trying to help other people, I volunteer in the summer 3 times a week, I’m always making sure that everybody is okay, that they don’t need help with something. But I forget about my own family 💜 My mum got quite well upset with me because lately I’m just never home spending time with my family and making sure they’re okay 😉 My brother is 30 and I just never really made a massive effort, whereas now I make sure to message him and see how he’s doing! Because it’s great that we’re helping everybody else out, but what about the people who have looked after us our whole lives? Don’t we owe them more? xx
    Loved this post so much!! 💜💜
    Amber x
    ps. Since when did Grandma Bayacne get so deep! love it!! x

    Liked by 1 person

    • Bayance says:

      GIRLLLLL I 💯 agree with what you say here!!!!! This is a whole blog post within itself like giiiiirl so true preach it!!!
      P.S. Since 1642 (random date idek 😂)


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