Things I Can’t Draw For The Life Of Me

Hey girl hey. And boy.

I find it fascinating what one can do with just a pencil and paper. There are some people who create stories and emotion through their drawings and then there’s me – that one potato who can barely make out a stickman (fine, that was an exaggeration 😂) But still. I can’t draw from memory – I need to look at a picture unless it’s a rose or Squidward or something I memorised when I was younger. Yes, Squidward. But there are some points when even looking at a picture can’t help the fact that there are some things I just can’t draw.  So here are some of them – enjoy. 😂


  • Hands

Okay what? Hands look so easy to draw but they’re NOT! Whenever I attempt to draw fingers, they legit look like noodles like what is happening? Seriously though, I can do arms and bodies but when it comes to hands, my artistic skills (very low) decide to shut off. 😂

Image result for hands drawing  Image result for what even gif


  • Teeth

Guys don’t even get me started on this one. Why are teeth SO hard to draw? Like whenever I make them straight, they look creepy. Whenever I make them curvy, they look weird. At least some people smile with their lips. 😂

Image result for why so hard gif


  • Eyeballs

I can draw the outline of an eye and lashes but when it comes to eyeballs, I give up. If there’s a pupil with colour around, it looks like a doll. If I try to do those little ticks around, it looks like a doll. If I just colour it in, IT LOOKS LIKE A DOLL. There’s no escaping the doll eyes, guys!! 😂😂 And I know some people reading this like those AG dolls but no, we’re talking Anabelle here. 😂 I can’t draw human-like eyeballs!!

Image result for eyes drawingRelated image

                          Other people vs me 


  • Landscape

Honestly, ‘what can I even draw’ is the question. 😂 Sorry guys, art is not my thing. I don’t have the patience to sit there and sketch 40 flowers in a row. I’m not good with blending colours or distance either. Art is really hard, okay?? 😂😂

Image result for landscape Image result for how do you do that gif


  • Facial

I know this is a weird one but I seriously can’t draw facial hair. It’s so hard! Every month we’re given different sketchbook assignments and I picked favourite character. I attempted to draw this guy from a Turkish drama but he had a light beard so I failed miserably. 😂 I don’t get how people can sketch texture – teach me!

Image result for beard sketch

Actually how???


  • Men’s hair

This is kind of like the last one but not facial. Men’s hair is so hard to draw. I can do female but male is a whole other story. Whenever I try the whole spiky effect, it looks like a tornado. And some guys have the timmy-turner-looking spikes within their hair which is so hard! I’ll just stick to bald guys for art assignments thank you very much.😂


Image result for hopeless gif

loool this gif tho



  • Sideways face

Ugh I’m not sure why this is so hard for me but I always end up making the forehead too big and the nose too small and ugh the bumps in between are so hard! 😂 And when I draw the chin, it looks like Crimson Chin from Fairly Odd Parents – not even exaggerating!

Image result for sideways face drawing Image result for crimson chin


Now this list can go on for days so let’s just check the list of things I can draw.

  • Nothing
  • Nothing
  • Nothing

Fiiine I’ll be optimistic. 😂

  • Ears
  • Lips
  • Hair (occasionally)
  • Brows (hey, I’m actually not too bad at these)
  • Roses (cartoon ones only)
  • Dresses
  • Lashes (who can’t)
  • Takis packet (shocker)
  • Furniture
  • Cubes
  • Lines
  • Triangle
  • Square
  • Rec-

okay I’m getting a bit too optimistic. 😂😂 You get the idea.


Oh well, turns out no one’s good at everything, and I guess this is one of those things. 😂

What parts do you struggle drawing?

Do we share the same list?

I’ll see you guys in my next post.

Bayyy 💞

46 thoughts on “Things I Can’t Draw For The Life Of Me

  1. Clover says:

    Ugh, men’s/boy’s hair- it’s a nightmare! Mine literally looks like a crown on top of a bald head! Or a random curly thing. This (again) is such a relatable post! One of my friends is trying to teach me how to draw eyes but with no success ☹️haha, at least I can draw a stick figure 🙄😒😂😂
    Clover 💛

    Liked by 1 person

  2. QueenTeen says:

    OMG HANDSSSS👐. Who’s stupid ass idea was it to make students draw HANDS! I’m taking art for my GCSEs(dunno if you know what they are – they’re basically important exams) and I flipping HATE drawing hands (and NOSESSSS). I don’t have the patience to sit there for 2 hours drawing the little details (I guess I’m gonna struggle when it ones to the real exam which is 10 hours long). I hate art maaan 😦

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Kaylyn Grace says:

    I am awesome at cartoon people, BUT NOT REAL PEOPLE!!! You should show me some of your art someday! I would love to see the stuff you are good that. I am sure you are not as bad as you say! It takes practice and a LOT of art classes to be a perfect artist. But there is no such thing as a perfect artist. Hey, check out my mom’s art blog for some art tricks here:
    I hope you find it useful! Have a great day!


    • Bayance says:

      Gurll you better post some cartoons! Nooo you’ll literally faint from how bad it is xD Fine I might make a “museum” post then. Yeah true – thankfully I don’t want to pursue art and just do it for school. Ooh I’ll def check it out. Thanks – you too!!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Bayance says:

      Same here with eyes until I get to the eyeball smh 😂 Omg yess how do you even draw masculine lips. I also struggle with men’s eyes since in cartoons they don’t have lashes, but they do in real life and I always end up making them look feminine. 😂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. cityofquiet2 says:

    I CAN’T DRAW LASHES! Ugh! Wait how about I give you what I can draw and you give me what I can’t draw… Boom. We’re Picasso’s descendants.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Bayance says:

      😂😂😂 lashes are pretty easy – just draw curly lines going outward. Or you could do them straight going to the side. Also make sure they’re on an angle, you don’t want them looking like Spongebob. 😂


  5. Puggirl says:

    Drawing hands is probably the hardest thing to draw…..ever! Like, when I’m supposed to draw hands I draw glove-shaped hands and they look sooo baaaad. I, for one, canot draw ANYTHING.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. TheUnknownWiki says:

    My list of things I can draw well:
    And literally nothing😂
    I can draw cartoon things I guess but even those are terrible. This is actually a really cool post though

    Liked by 1 person

  7. sunshinysa says:

    I’m not gifted at drawing or calligraphy.
    I do crochet and craft rather well.
    Still I wish I could at least draw a decent Christmas Tree… my annual challenge when I tackle my Marketing projects at work!

    Liked by 1 person

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