The Mysterious Would You Rather Tag

Hey girl hey. And boy.

I can’t say I’m going to take full credit for this tag but I’ve never seen anyone on the blogosphere make a would you rather tag as one of those awards/tags. I’ve seen a couple book edition ones but never one where you could tag people and make up your own would you rather questions. So I thought this would be a fun idea to try around the blogosphere (aka make it to no one πŸ˜‚)

Image result for spongebob rainbow creativity gif

Here’s the twist though – after nominating and asking your own questions, give three themes for your nominees to pick from. And based on those themes, they ask would you rather questions for THEIR nominees that fit in that theme. For example, you can pick out the themes: Summer, School & Books. And then I’ll choose summer and ask my next questions based on that theme. Is that confusing? I just thought it would be a more fun than “so would you rather eat cakes or cupcakes?” πŸ˜‚ That’s why I called it mysterious – because you never know what theme you’ll be asked. And if you get nominated more than once, you can still make parts 2 and 3 because the questions and themes are always changing. Hopefully by the end of this, it’ll be less confusing. But anyways, let’s get started.


  1. Thank the person who nominated you and link back to the original post (aka this one πŸ˜‚ )
  2. Answer the would you rather questions.
  3. Nominate 5-10 people.
  4. Pick one of the three themes that the person who nominated you left for you and ask 10 would you rather questions based on the theme (feel free to use google!)
  5. Pick out three themes for your nominees to ask questions based on (try to make them relevant and seasons, marriage and careers are good ones)
  6. Use the featured image that I used in this post and make sure to copy paste this set of rules to clear confusion.
  7. Most importantly, have fun!

The Mysterious Would You Rather (1)

My Theme: Summer

  • Would you rather get to go on a one-week vacation anywhere in the world you want or go on a month-long vacation but have to stay within 200 miles of your hometown?

A one-week vacation for sure!! Paris, here I come. πŸ˜‚ I mean a month vacation would be fun but I feel like it’d be much more memorable if I went to Paris or Italy or somewhere exotic in Europe, you know? πŸ˜‚ Plus I’d get to explore the different languages and culture, even if it means trying to fit it in within a week.

Image result for in paris gif

  • Go to the beach and forget your towel or go to the beach and forget your sunscreen?

I don’t even like to swim in the beach to begin with so definitely forgetting the towel. It can get super hot in the summer so sunscreen is essential.

  • Have a lemonade stand every day for a month to make extra money or do yard work for a week to get extra money?

How about none? πŸ˜‚ I feel like yard work would get me more money and I’d be more productive but at the same time, ain’t nobody got time to get stung by hornets while gardening. I also don’t want to stay outside roasting by my lemonade stand so… πŸ˜‚ Okay fine, I’ll probably do the lemonade stand but indoors mwahahahah. I’m so cool.

Related image

  • Get stung by three bees or get a really bad sunburn?

OMG WHATTT?! Bad sunburn for sure. I don’t want to be in pain for 2-7 days. πŸ˜‚ Wait, sunburns hurt too? Ughdgusjsdbfuh. Fiiine I’ll probably go with three bee stings because sunburns are much more noticeable and embarrassing. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Plus I’d rather have three spots in my body be in pain rather than the whole thing. But UGH beesfddsbabsjkm!

  • Would you rather have to go on a long hike in the woods without any socks or shoes or have to spend a day at the beach wearing your winter coat?

WHAT?! 😭 😭 😭 My legs are gonna dieeee. And if I wear a winter coat, it’ll probably the end of me. What if I wear my winter coat but go inside a fast food restaurant? Hmmm. πŸ˜‚ Fine I’ll be fair. I’ll go on a long hike in the woods barefoot (who says Aladdin won’t lend me a magic carpet? 😏).

Image result for aladdin magic carpet gif

  • Would you rather live on a houseboat for the summer or live in a tree house?

As much as I love the idea of treehouses, a houseboat would be much cooler (sorry Natalie! πŸ˜‚)

  • Would you rather have a giant slide as your mode of transportation or have a zipline as your mode of transportation?

Ziplineeee!!! I’ve been on a zipline only once but it was so fun. Plus, I’d probably look like a super cool secret agent.

Image result for zipline gif

This looks so scary omg

  • Would you rather have beach bonfire every night or have unlimited access to a themepark every day?

THEMEPARK!!! But it better be my own because I hate waiting in lines. 😭 (I’m so spoiled)

  • Have your skin turn bright blue whenever you get wet or have your hair turn neon green when you are in sunlight?

YAY I’m off the hook because a). I hate the water so I can’t get wet and b) I wear a hijab so I’m not out with my hair for it to turn neon green. πŸ˜‚ But the neon green hair sounds super cool so I’ll go with that.

Image result for neon green hair gif

  • Have the best summer EVER but not be able to remember it or have an ordinary summer and remember everything?

Well what do you mean by ordinary? πŸ˜‚ Jk jk I’d rather have the best summer and forget it (but vlog the whole thing to look back on of course).

Credits to this website and that website for all the questions. πŸ˜‚

I Nominate








Your theme: Summer (I wanted to see your answers πŸ˜‚)
Your Nominee’s Theme: Back To School or Fashion or Love (you can look up questions on all of these and feel free to be creative)

  • Would you rather get to go on a one-week vacation anywhere in the world you want or go on a month-long vacation but have to stay within 200 miles of your hometown?
  • Go to the beach and forget your towel or go to the beach and forget your sunscreen?
  • Have a lemonade stand every day for a month to make extra money or do yard work for a week to get extra money?
  • Get stung by three bees or get a really bad sunburn?
  • Would you rather have to go on a long hike in the woods without any socks or shoes or have to spend a day at the beach wearing your winter coat?
  • Would you rather live on a houseboat for the summer or live in a tree house?
  • Would you rather have a giant slide as your mode of transportation or have a zipline as your mode of transportation?
  • Would you rather have beach bonfire every night or have unlimited access to a themepark every day?
  • Have your skin turn bright blue whenever you get wet or have your hair turn neon green when you are in sunlight?
  • Have the best summer EVER but not be able to remember it or have an ordinary summer and remember everything?

Anddd that’s all for today. I hope you guys enjoyed this tag and don’t find it too confusing. Just thought I would change it up to be more challenging. I can’t wait to see where this goes and I’ll see you guys in my next post.

Bayyy πŸ’ž

33 thoughts on “The Mysterious Would You Rather Tag

  1. Mary AΓ±onuevo says:

    LITERALLY JUST SAW THIS ASDFGHJJKL where was I the whole time??! πŸ˜‚ Thanks for tagging moi, Queen B! This is SO cool and I can’t wait to answer your questions!! ❀❀❀

    Liked by 1 person

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