7 Ways To Get Children Off Their Devices (INDOOR EDITION)

Hey girl hey. And boy.

When technology first came out, it seemed as if it was going to solve all world problems. The first being…babysitting. Baby crying? Here’s the ipad. Toddler screaming? Here’s Peppa Pig. Students throwing a tantrum? Here’s an android (mwahaha android lovers).We solved it. No. more. sound. ๐Ÿฅฐ

Image result for relieved gif

But is that necessarily a good thing?

A Florida Tech article goes down a list of the negatives including low attention spans, aggression, laziness and sooo much more. And here’s the thing. We all complain about how modern children don’t understand the struggle of Nokia cellphones and “Back in my day blabla” but aren’t we to blame for that? For my adults reading, wasn’t it YOUR generation that created these devices and catered it towards children too? For the millennials reading, are you putting in any effort to stop these addictions? And for the teens reading, do you think the siblings who see you on your phone or laptop will magically go outside and draw in the sunshine?

Image result for really? gif

At the end of the day, it is OUR responsibility to protect the upcoming children from all the dangers that come with technology. These humans aren’t born dumb or tech enthusiasts. They turned out this way because you are the one who set the example. (just a side note that whenever I say ‘you’ it’s because I need this reminder first and foremost) The biggest reason kids use technology excessively today is because

a). no one has time for them


b). they. are. bored.

Image result for bored kids gif

Those two go hand in hand so today, I’ll share ten activities you can get kids to do that are physical but fun at the same time. I’ll be making a Summer Edition when summer comes around that includes more outdoor activities but for now, here are some indoor ones!

P.S. All of these are FREE and don’t require much material – they’re my go-to’s but I might make a part two!


1. Drawing Contest

So lately I’ve been doing this a lot with my siblings where we’d divide a piece of paper into 6 squares and we’d call out something to draw like store, eyes, spongebob..etc. Usually we take our time and then at the end of the 6 pictures we rate each others’ out of ten. The other day, I played a different edition of the game where we had 30 squares and copied the 30 day artist challenge. It was so much fun and we had a timer too. These games could last an hour and my siblings love them! I did have my little brother cry multiple times if he wins last place so be careful with who you play it with. ๐Ÿ˜‚



2. Bolleyballย 

I made this up 2 weeks ago and my brother is OBSESSED with it. It’s basically volleyball or keep it up or 4 squares but with a balloon. Using a hallway and a balloon, you can make up your own rules to the game. But my brother and I just put a broom to be the divider and usually play one touch to pass the balloon to the other side. It is so much fun and a great way for them to focus physically without going outside.

Image result for keep it up volleyball gif


3. Ultimate Ninja

This is another game that is physical that I learned at a business conference. I’m terrible at explaining it but basically you take turns hitting each others’ hands but you only get one move until it’s your turn again. And you can use that move to attack or protect yourself. I usually play this game when my brother buys chips so I can make his chips the winning prize and that’s how I end up eating 70% of his chips pack. I’m a GREAT sister, I know. ๐Ÿ˜‚

Image result for eating chips gif


4. Truth or Dare

Ahh it’s a classic. My siblings love this game and I love to film it. I usually like to make them come up with their own truths and dares and y’all the funny stuff we’d catch on camera while we play still makes me laugh. I love that you can cleanse this game to be age appropriate for kids and it’s a great way to get them communicating and move around instead of doing the opposite behind a screen.

Image result for fun gif


5. Make a Board Game

Sometimes I make my siblings make up their own board games and then we play it together. Kids are so creative like you don’t even know!! Give them that creativity to create games for themselves because sometimes you don’t need that new expensive thing from ToysRUs to make them happy.

Image result for board game diy


6. Mini Theatre

My sister brings back scripts from her french class that she needs to act out so I think I’m going to start printing out mini story scripts to put a mini play together. I love doing these different arts at home and you can even get kids to make a script. The possibilities are endlesss.

Image result for diary of a wimpy kid wizard of oz gif

me in the audience like


7. Dance Off

I’ve seen kids play this just by putting a song and dancing for 8 beats alternating. I think it’s super cool because I usually just choreograph dances with my siblings but a dance off sounds so much fun. Kids love to move so don’t let them waste energy on sitting all day (says me while typing this up hehe let’s move away the spotlight now ๐Ÿ˜‚)

Image result for dancing kids gif


Anddd that’s all for today. Keep in mind I only brought up the things I tried but I would love to do more editions of this if you would like.

What kind of siblings do you have?

What did you like playing growing up?

Are electronics bad for children?

Don’t let technology raise your children – it isn’t fair. And this is something that I am still learning to implement. We’re in this together!

With that, I’ll see you all in my next post.

Bayyy.ย ๐Ÿ’ž


18 thoughts on “7 Ways To Get Children Off Their Devices (INDOOR EDITION)

  1. ayesha says:

    You read my parents’ mind girl! They want us off these gadgets desperately lol. It’s so funny how you mention the drawing contest because I literally had one today with my siblings! Haha! Great ideas too!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Jayati says:

    These are all such great ideas! Volleyball and Ultimate Ninja sound so interesting and I’ll def try to play it with my sibling and cousins the next time they’re over! Also, I’ll def be like you and try to steal my brother’s chips too lol.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Ju The Dodo says:

    Ooh Bay! Such great ideas! โคSadly my sibling is only… like a year younger than me, so it’s almost like having a twin. Both of us are almost always preoccupied with our high school academics ๐Ÿ˜…
    Will def try this during holidays though!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Bayance says:

      Ahhh thank u so much!!! That is SO awesome – I always think about having someone closer to my age because my sister and I are 5+ years apart. But idk I think being middle with good age distance makes me more independent and I like that. But ah that’s so cool! Yesss get that family time in! ๐Ÿ˜‚โค๏ธ

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Jo says:

    everyone say thank you bay, you absolute QUEEN
    ultimate ninja is one of my favorites XD i remember playing that nonstop on sundays

    i think i’ve seen both the absolute best and the horrible worst of electronics– from getting an education and communicating with family from across the sea, to getting ignored and slowly losing interest in the mundane in pursuit of instant graphic gratification, and i suppose for kids, there is no in between for them.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Bayance says:


      OMG same here!! Like I remember it was so good at the beginning then I fell in spirals but now I’m starting to control it more. I use my phone to better my understanding of my religion and learn French and ah there’s just so much knowledge that we take for granted and choose to scroll thru instagram instead. ๐Ÿ˜ญ Trueee! Love this comment

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Jasmin โ™ก @thewriterofletters.com says:

    Electronics suck. ๐Ÿ˜‚ (แด€s ษช สŸแดแดแด‹ แด›สœส€แดœ ส™สŸแดษข แด˜แดsแด›s แดษด แดส แด˜สœแดษดแด‡) I did a phone free week this past week and I honestly felt so much more productive! Sure I missed my phone but I definitely read more books, hung out with my family, and lived in the moment more ๐Ÿ‘Œ My siblings love their iPad and their movies and itโ€™s so tempting when ur babysitting to just hand the kids the iPad and say โ€œok now shut upโ€ ๐Ÿ˜‚ Iโ€™m a mean sister ๐Ÿคช but I definitely need to try these ideas next time Iโ€™m babysitting!!!! One idea I want to try is to give ur siblings each a dollar bill and they have to hold the bill on the wall with their nose and the last one to let their bill fall gets to keep the dollar ๐Ÿ˜‚ it would keep them entertained!!! Great post! ๐Ÿ’›

    Liked by 1 person

    • Bayance says:

      MOOD ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ omg seriously?? I need to try that. How did you answer phone calls? LOOL same I’m so bossy ๐Ÿ˜‚ Ah yess hope it helps! THAT IDEA IS ACTUALLY EPIC – but broo we have dollar COINS here. I might have to upgrade to $5 ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ thank you so much!!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Ana Regina says:

    Omg the first time I used a tablet or an ipad was when I was like 10, really. That was 7 years ago and I can’t believe kids have now changed so much and are even addicted to these things. But yeah, I think distracting them with another activity, like the ones you mentioned, and then putting the ipads out of the way without them noticing is a good trick!
    Loved this post!!!!! ๐Ÿ˜€ โค

    Liked by 1 person

    • Bayance says:

      Yassss!! It’s honestly so sad but I also have to watch myself because rn I’m replying to this comment as my sister watches me go on my phone oops ๐Ÿ˜‚ Thank you so much!!


  7. mycontribusion says:

    Nice idea. But I don’t go with dancing. Actually I hate it. And another issue is that they are not thought by their parents on how to use it. They mostly learn it from their friends, so they end up on games movies and music.
    I like your posts I’ve read though I don’t like those gifs.


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