What Is Your Purpose? *Important*

Hey girl hey. And boy.

I’ve been wanting to write this post for a while now but after hearing Spencer West speak at a youth conference today, I knew I had to. Many of us are lost. We don’t know where to go, what to take after high school and what to do with our lives. For me personally, I recognize that I have so many blessings and that there is so much to do in the world but I just don’t know what to do. It’s like God went ‘here are all the ingredients, here is the manual, now find the willpower in you to make the cake.’ And after listening to a few purpose talks recently, I think I have finally grasped how to properly find what I want to do in life. Now before I get into my recent learnings, I just wanted to share a few snippets of who Spencer West is and what he talked about.

Image result for burning kitchen gif

me burning the ingredients God gave me. time being one of them. Bayance is metaphoric today

Spencer West was born in Rock Springs, Wyoming in 1981 and at the age of 5, had to get a surgery to remove his legs from the pelvis down. The doctors told his family he wouldn’t be able to be a “functional member of society” but nonetheless, his family was supportive and didn’t treat Spencer differently. At school, Spencer would feel left out with the boys in his gym class and was constantly bullied. It was only until Spencer got into cheerleading and not caring what others thought about him, that people started to acknowledge him as “cool”. Spencer said, “you’ll never be good enough for everyone” which is just so true and it’s why you need to know your value and what’s important to you.

Image result for spencer west

In University, Spencer got into Communications and went into a corporate job but decided to drop everything and go on a volunteer trip in Kenya for 2 years with Free The Children (now called We). Since then, he’d go back every summer and developed a real sense of community with everyone there. He’s done so much – from building schools to building water wells and providing 12500 people with life-long clean water, he’s blown my mind. One of his biggest accomplishments is climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, the largest mountain in Africa, to raise money for the droughts in East Africa. Now, he goes on volunteer trips and is a motivational speaker around the world.

Image result for spencer west mount kilimanjaro

What I really liked about his speech was that he didn’t just leave us with his story. He left us with three steps to finding our purpose. Before that, he shared a quote by Allan Boesak that goes:

“When we go before Him, God will ask, “Where are your wounds?” And we will say, “I have no wounds.” And God will ask, “Was there nothing worth fighting for?”

Was there nothing worth fighting for?

I’ll come back to this at the end but here are the three steps to finding your purpose and making a difference in the world.

1. Find Your Voice

Whether that’s through speaking, through writing, through music, through science, through ANYTHING. You. have. a voice. And you have skills that communicate effectively and gets your message across in the most unique way to you. Your blog is a voice. Your instagram page is a voice. Your VOICE is a voice.

Image result for writing

2. Find Your Team

It’s sooo important to learn to collaborate with like-minded people and have a support system. Just like the quote goes: Go alone and you’ll go fast but go together and you’ll go far. For Spencer, that was his two best friends who climbed the highest mountain with him. They threw up and they got exhausted but they kept going. And you need people in your life who will lift you, not drag you down.

Image result for collaborative writing

3. Find Something Worth Fighting For

Whether that’s education, poverty, climate change, mental health, islamophobia, justice..etc. There is so much in the world to do but find that one thing that sparks you. Find that one thing that makes you angry. Find that one cause that you will not leave this world without giving your all in order to contribute to its solution. And keep fighting for it.

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Noor Tagouri, journalist, also once said in an interview (16:42): the two things you need to piece together to find your purpose is 1). find your skills and talents with 2). find the thing that pains you.

Sudduf, business coach, once said in an Instagram post: “what you REALLY need to be focusing on are your values and your passions. once you know what that is, cross off any ideas that don’t fulfill that passion”

The point is, you already KNOW what your passions are. You already KNOW what pains you. You may not know what degree you want or what job you’ll take on, but you know the value behind the job. And that’s all that matters.

Before I wrap up, I went to a business competition a few weeks ago and had a big aha moment regarding the purpose of life. As a Muslim, I already know we’re striving for heaven and bettering our relationship with God but this reaally put a lot of things into perspective.

The competition consists of case studies that you need to solve in a limited amount of time and present to the judge. In the case study, you are given:

  • your role
  • who you’re presenting to
  • the problem
  • performance indicators to guide your presentation

Afterwards, you present, you’re asked a few questions and then there’s an award ceremony with who had the highest scores. At the end of the competition, people were smiling and cheering and holding up medals in pride. The beginning of the day started out in distress and ended in relief. And it took me until the end of the day to apply it to life.

You see, every single one of us receives a metaphoric case study. Your role and who you are is shaped by so many unique factors:

  • your unique experiences
  • your family
  • what you have access to
  • your location in the world
  • your skillset

and your purpose? To take the skills you have, develop them and use them to fight for something that pains you. The problem is a cause in the world that happened at the right place and the right time for YOU to serve. Look around you. What cause strikes a flame in you? Is it climate change? Is it mental health? Is it poverty? Is it a war happening in your hometown?

But here’s where a lot of people stop. They don’t know who they’re presenting to and they don’t want to look at the performance indicators to guide their presentation. And if I was in that business competition and had no idea who I was presenting to and what that judge was looking for in my presentation, I’d be SO lost. I’d think I have all the time in the world and then I’d come unprepared when the time is up. And that’s what happens to so many people. They come unprepared to judgement day because they denied the performance indicator that was supposed to guide their presentation.

And that performance indicator is the Quran.

Real smooth, I know. 😂 But to all the Muslims who are struggling with their purpose, know that it is more than just praying and reading Quran. It is applying the Quran and its values into your current situation in the world around you.

Finally, I want to leave you all with a hadith from Prophet Muhammad.

A man asked the Prophet (ﷺ) about the Hour (i.e. Day of Judgment) saying, “When will the Hour be?” The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “What have you prepared for it?”

What have you prepared for it? 

What is worth fighting for? 

You only have one case study (one “dunya” or chance before the afterlife) and one judge (one God), so make it count.

Your life is worth living. Your purpose is worth fighting for.

Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to read this. There will be post coming up about what striving means and why it’s important to strive for something larger than ourselves. And then that’ll be it with philosophy w/ Bayance 101 for the year. 😂

Now it’s your turn.

What skills do you have? 

What pains you?

What is your purpose?

Can you share a quote/hadith/story or anything that reminds you of your purpose?

I’ll see you in my next post.

Bayyy. 💞

60 thoughts on “What Is Your Purpose? *Important*

  1. Jasmin ♡ @thewriterofletters.com says:

    This post was deep. And good. And I enjoyed it 🙂 I like to watch motivational speeches ect on YouTube and one I watched (I think it was a goal cast one) anyway, the guy giving the speech said when u are about to die, u may ask yourself 3 questions: “did I live, did I love, and did I matter”and that is mainly what I try to live my life by, I try to live, to love, and to matter. And so yeah that’s all I have to say 😂💛🧡

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Jade rainbow says:

    Wow. Just wow. I’m speechless. Now, the big question. What is my purpose? Well, I want to bring life, hope, and love to all the disadvantaged gay children in the world. I don’t want any other child of color to go through what I did. No child should have to consider dying at the age of 12. Because of what society thinks, you know?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Jo says:

    “It’s like God went ‘here are all the ingredients, here is the manual, now find the willpower in you to make the cake.”

    okay bay whoever said people of different faiths cannot connect clearly has never seen a blog post written by you
    i’m shrieking
    but in a good way
    ME. THAT’S SERIOUSLY, HONESTLY, REALLY, ME. and we may have different books that we deem the most important, but that desire and that passion is the same at its core and just
    someone gets it too
    and i hope that we both can find it in the end, bay, i really do

    Liked by 1 person

    • Bayance says:

      IM SCREAMINGGGG!! This made my day ahhh. And so so true. Our beliefs differ but we all need to find that passion and will within us to do all that we can for the sake of God.

      Ahhh I really do too. ❤ thank you a million!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Turkey Bacon says:

    You know fun fact, I have never cried while reading a blog post before.. Thanks for ruining that for me! Jk but what you wrote her is very beautiful and meaningful and it really inspires me.
    I wanted to do something with mental health and help people all over the world but I live in a country where people don’t have the freedom of speech or are open minded and that kinda made me look down on my idea. But after reading this post, it made me grab on to that dream when I was about to let it go. Thank you 💕🙆
    This is one hell of a long comment.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Mukta says:

    Asdfghkadjgksj this post was perfection. You are suchhhh an inspiring person ❤
    There was a time when I thought that when I grew up I'd find out that I had a grand purpose and I would be remembered, I'd leave a mark. But I guess that time has passed since then and I'm slowly coming into terms with the idea that what I want to be- a commercial artist- isn't really something that can shake the world
    I suppose everyone has their own way to fight for the things they want. Maybe I won't be a part of history as someone who carved her name into it. I'm not as brave as the people who dare to step out into the world and bring the change they want to see.
    But in my heart, I know that a life of discipline and normalcy is not the life for me. And if I can change one person, touch one heart, then I will be fulfilled.
    Sorry for the long (and late!) comment, haha! Love your posts, and you. xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Bayance says:


      People can make differences in so many ways. Often times we only see advocates and people who were known making a change. But it is also the videographer of Martin Luther King’s speech that helped leave it behind for this generation to watch. There’s always so many people behind the scenes that play a MASSIVE role in creating change. Love this comment so much and I’m sure you’re touching the hearts of so many people already through your posts and art! Jdjdhdh never apolgize I LOVE long comments. Ahhh thank you – you too! ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Jade rainbow says:

    Is it legal to comment twice? But every time I read this i just feel like I’m something. Wait, wait, wait!!! Can you email me i have an idea for a potential project idea. Don’t worry, you don’t have to email me now i know how busy this time of year can be. With school… But message me soon

    Liked by 1 person

  7. cassidystyles says:

    This post was so in depth and very inspiring. I loved reading it and it made me become more open-minded on finding my path. Here’s a follow because I’m loving your posts and your style of writing! I just started blogging so I hope we can support each other😊💕

    Liked by 1 person

  8. muzsbog says:

    WOW someones getting deep. AHHHH im so late for this post! Honestly it really got me thinking. That quote “was there nothing worth fighting for?” is INSANE I felt like a part of myself stopped for a second cause I needed to process that. This was really thought provoking! DANG! Good job!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Bayance says:

      NDHDUDIHDY THANK YOU MUZ! Omg yesss I literally had a stroke when he said it because there was a pause after and I was like damn that hit me in my feels. 😂 Btw you need to call me ASAP because we need to catch up 👏 but don’t call me during my exam 🙄😂😂

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Ana Regina says:

    YASSSSSS OMG GIRRRRRRRRLLLLLLLL YOU SAID IT CAUSE SOMEONE HAD TO TALK ABOUT THIS!!!!!!! It’s so cool you did, I think this is gonna help people, it’s sad how a lot don’t take it seriously, just today I had a talk in my school about what to do and stuff and no one either came or was listening, argh
    I loved this post, what else can I say????? YOU GO GIRL! You’re gonna achieve whatever’s on your mind!!!! 😀 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Bella G. Bear says:

    We should forgive the ones of us that are weaker and support the ones of us that are stronger.
    — Dave Chappelle, The Bird Revelation

    That is the quote that inspires me. I believe we can build a more kinder and stronger society by supporting the people already doing the good work. My skill is in supporting people and inspiring them through my enthusiasm. I am good at making people feel positive. Also, I am good with ideas.

    It pains me to see the avoidable suffering of people who are deemed unworthy of help and are dehumanised. I work in development and the NGO world so I see that a lot.

    My purpose is not totally clear to me yet. To be honest last year was a confusing struggle. THis year I am focusing on closing down doors to find out which direction I am supposed to take. This also by collecting courage to take the path that opens up to me.

    I enjoyed your post. Thanks for posting it.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Bayance says:

      Oh my!! We are super similar I feel like my enthusiasm is one of my strengths too! And omg I come up with ideas 24 times a second and sometimes it’ll be no ideas for weeks haha. Thank you so much for commenting this amazing comment and ah that quote is amazing! I love those plans for 2020 and I wish you all the best! You’re so self aware and I’m so proud of that! ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

  11. flawed_silence says:

    I LOVED reading this post! It had me so captivated and the anecdotes and quotes used just added so much depth to it.

    I think I found out what pained me at a very young age, and started using writing as a means to educate or try bring some kind of tiny change or even cause people to think or question life things.The thing that keeps me going is the causes that i think are worthy fighting for, dedicating your energy to, even if everything else sucks in your life at the present time. don’t throw your towel in, keep going, stay strong, motivated.

    this quote came to mind btw when reading:

    “A life without cause is a life without effect”

    “i alone cannot change the world but i can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples” mother teresa

    Liked by 1 person

    • Bayance says:

      Ahhhh sis I haven’t read your posts in ages I need to do that RIGHT NOW!

      Omggg I love this comment! You worded it so perfectly ah that’s so motivating and just preeeach! Those quotes are GENIUS I haven’t heard them before so thank you SO much for sharing. So glad you are following your purpose!


  12. MARIA says:

    I love this post. I guess we all have an existential crisis at some point or other. Personally, I find myself constantly questioning my meaning and purpose on this Earth. For a while I thought found it, but everyday as I grow and experience and learn new things, my feelings change. This made me think about this topic again and I’m gonna have to go back to journalling and some deep soul searching to find out! This was a wonderful introduction to me finding your blog x

    Liked by 1 person

    • Bayance says:

      Thank you so much!! Honestly same here! I know my general purpose as a human being but on the individual level, I’m not sure how I’m going to contribute and leave my mark. My future career ideas are always changing and I honestly don’t even know anymore!! I’m so glad you were inspired by this post – I really hope it helps and I need to re-ask my self some of those questions too. Thank you so much for reading and supporting – it means so much!! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Anna Coleman says:

    This post is so inspiring❤️. I hate when people do this, but I’m going to have to because I literally ran out of options. I’m trying to figure out how to put on older posts button on my blog, and I don’t know how…….could you please help?? By the way, your blog is one of the reasons I started mine. Your content is so fresh and really enjoyable.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Bayance says:

      Omggg that means so much thank you!!!!! ❤ I would love to help but what do you mean by button? Like do you want to link an older post on your main page? Do you want it pinned? Do you want a graphic? Let me know which one and I hope to help you further.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Anna Coleman says:

        Thank you so much!! I mean like a button which loads older posts on my main page…I want my home page to show only a few posts, and then I want a button which will load more posts on the same page. Thank you so much for helping me!!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Bayance says:

        I am just learning this now so tysm for the question but if you go to your website and type ‘/admin’ it will bring you to your dashboard. There, scroll down the left hand side until you get to settings and then hit Reading. It will show you how many posts per page you have and you can choose as much or little as you want. Let me know how it works with you!

        Liked by 1 person

  14. Fen says:

    Thank you for this enlightening post! The questions you asked about what is worth fighting for, etc. It really gave me something to think about. This was a good read! xx

    Liked by 1 person

  15. A teeenage girl says:

    Omg wow!!! That was so in powering .
    I am just speechless
    I am so happy that I came across your blog this is just such an emotionally moving post that I am sure you have put so much time into as-well as your heart. This gave me sooo much to think about. So glad I found it

    Liked by 1 person

    • Bayance says:

      Ahhh thank you so much!! I am so so glad you enjoyed. I was super motivated after hearing that speech and I’m so glad you felt I captured that well in the post. You’re so kind thank you so much!


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