3 Reasons Why You Should Start A Diary

Hey girl hey. And boy.

I found a practise speech that I wrote a year ago and I thought I’d share it because I’m going through exams (by the time I schedule this) and I don’t have much time to be as consistent for a while. I know this isn’t blog post style but it still kinda sounds like me (just a thousand times more enthusiastic because I’m extra 😂) so without further ado, let’s get starteddd.

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 “Dear Bayance, I feel like my life is a blur. I go on to my next day forgetting all about the past one. I feel like I’m just living with no way to track my past or goals. One day I’m going to be a single granny with seven cats and I’d probably forget 87% of my life. Help.” From: every human ever. Well you my friend, are suffering from no-diary disorder. But thankfully, I’m here to save the day with a very 90’s inspired invention – the diary. Call me childish all you want but a diary is very essential to our daily lives. Whether you use it to record events and occasions or to fill pages with beef and rants to get it all off your chest, a diary is a friend that we all need.

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  1. Terrible Memory Storage

First off, you’ve got to admit that we all have the memory of a grandma. Study shows that we forget about 60% of our day in only two days. Do you remember what you did February 4th 2013? With the help of a diary, you could easily find out what you did that day. It may seem ridiculous but the amount of times relatives would say “remember me?”…”remember when we did this?” and I’d nervously reply with “of course” are countless. Now you’ll be able to prevent these awkward moments from happening. Plus, what if you completely lost your memory? Even worse, forgot about Takis? (note: this was during my Takis obsession haha) Even worst, forgot about ME? Now that’s what you call ridiculous.

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of course I remember


2. Capture Memories The Real Way

I know you’re thinking “I can take videos and pictures on social media to remember events” but who guarantees if those apps are even safe or if they’ll be running in the future. Just like you think MySpace is old, your kids will call Snapchat, “Crapchat” and Twitter “Litter”. Haven’t you heard what the police officer said on Wednesday? (note: we had an officer come in and talk about internet safety) Social media doesn’t guarantee your privacy so it’s no good to write your cheesy thoughts there. (note: and here I am writing blog posts 😂) Besides, it can cause so much drama if you decide to empty your rants and “tea”- no one’s trying to end up on juicygossip.com here. Keep it old-fashioned with a pencil and paper. Oh and f.y.i. social media requires wifi whereas a diary doesn’t. Who wins now?

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3. Self Reflection

Not only will you be able to record your life the better way, you’ll also be able to reflect on how far you’ve come. Aka self development. This is a crucial part of growing and I strongly urge you to start a journal today because trust me, by the end of high school, you’ll be a completely different person. And no, I don’t mean puberty – nice try. Don’t believe me? Here’s my entry from the first day of school. (Note: guys I legit read my entry and it looked like the rant I wrote here) As you can see, I’ve come quite a long way. By the end of the year, you’ll have a novel with you as the main character and you’ll be able to look back at how much you’ve grown as a person. And possibly even laugh, if you’re as cringy as me.

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Congratulations – you are now cured from no-diary disorder. A diary will not only help you regain that 87% of your life but a way to track your internal journey and also be there for you as a friend – no matter how cheesy that sounds. And hey, if you ever get them published, you know where to find me. So grab a pen and notebook and get writing today. Yours truly, Bayance.

I hope you all enjoyed my corny TED talk. 😂

Do you have a diary/journal? (PLEASE SEND ME PICTURES I’M NOSY)

Why do you/don’t you keep a diary?

Everyone pray for me – wow I sound so self-absorbed but may we all pass these tests that don’t define us by the way because we’re so much more than numbers (make sure you work hard tho). Optimism, okay? 😂 I’ll see you in my next post.

Bayyy 💞


48 thoughts on “3 Reasons Why You Should Start A Diary

    • Bayance says:

      Noooooooo I’ll go look in the landfill 😂 Mine is like a journal and diary combo. I write how my day went and then a few rants and feelings if that makes sense. Now I really want to read yours. 😂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Ashleyhouck says:

        My diaries were so embarrassing lol. Filled with childish thoughts and feelings and of course boy crushes 😂. I kind of wish I had kept them but again I wouldn’t want want my husband finding them. He’d never let me live it down 😂

        Liked by 1 person

      • Bayance says:

        OH MYYY 😂😂 Ugh it would’ve been so funny if he read them tho. Please do start a new one. I asked my mom why she didn’t keep a diary and she was like if I ever disagree with your dad and need to vent, it’s not going to look good when he finds it. 😂 So it may be a bit harder in marriage but I really hope I keep journaling through that too.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Ashleyhouck says:

        I started a new journal and, while I try not to vent too much, I do find myself expressing honestly how I’m feeling and what I am thinking. My husband and I have a pretty good relationship so if he found my journal he would playfully tease me and not get mad. 😂 I am enjoying journaling again. Definitely stick with it. I have found that it helps me work through things and is nice to just be able to write down any random thoughts I have.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Bayance says:

        Aaah that’s so so great to hear. Omg if my future husband had a journal, I’d tease him about it so much but he’d probably pull out one of mine from primary school and it would be a lose lose situation haha. Same with me – writing things down helps me a lot!

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Kiwi Katastrophes says:

    I had a diary when I started Secondary School, I stopped it when I turned 13 and haven’t written in it since! I liked to start again really, they’re nice to look back on!! The ramblings of 11/12 year old me are quite something lol! Great post as always!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. El says:

    I love keeping a diary – to look back 4 years and see what was going on is so cool! Like, so many moments that I remember but only faintly and then you read how excited or surprised you were at something and it’s crazy!
    Good luck! 🍀

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Indigo_Star says:

    I tried, and failed many time to write a diary! But I have a trashy memory so I will barely remember anything at all when it comes to writing it. Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Bayance says:

      OMGGG YESSS 😂😂❤️ This is literally me and it’s funny looking back at what seemed like the biggest problem in the world but no. 😂 Thanks for reading and you better show me your diary rn! 😂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Bayance says:

        AWW this is so cute!! My aunt got me one with a lock for 2019 but I’m too lazy to work with a lock. I used to get dollar store medium sized notebooks and decorate the cover but now I just get the hardcover predesigned ones which is a bit pricier than the last ones but I need them bigger because I have more to fill in. We should both do a diary collection! 😂

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Natalie Therese says:

    Yes!! I started a diary/journal this year, and although I mostly just write down discombobulated thoughts and song lyrics but heyyyy…..if I find it in 10 years I’ll know that I was always this insane, lol.
    Great posy!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. mashmie says:

    I have a diary full of sad stories.. whenever I feel down I like to pour out my feelings into my diary and it makes me feel good.. it’s like therapy.. so I write when I’m done.. is it creepy??

    Liked by 1 person

    • Bayance says:

      I FEEL YOU! I use it to pour out things when I’m sad or angry but I also fill it with happy memories too which I’m blessed enough to have lots of. But yes, it is like therapy and it’s nice looking back and reflecting. I hope you fill it with good things too :)) Thanks for reading!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Chloe C. says:

    I hadn’t written in my journal/diary since 8th grade! I recently found it and tons of it was still blank so I picked it up again. I think it’s kind of fun to see my 8th grade self and life right next to my present, much more older and wiser self😂.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Mary Añonuevo says:

    The burn book gif is amaaazing 💘💘💘 wow i completely agree with everything you just said. I used to keep a diary/journal since 8th grade up to 10th grade and they were indeed, helpful in self reflection and recalling memories. I LOVE reading my old diary entries tbh 😂 I don’t have one now anymore (cause the blog became it lol). Do you still own a diary? Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Bayance says:

      Hahahahaha yes 😂 Tysm!! YES I still keep a diary! I was reading through some old entries today and I kid you not – I barely remember anything. This grandma needs a diary for sure. 😂 I get what you mean haha I write everything in my monthly wrappers but I keep all the personal stuff in my journal as well so they kinda differ that way. Plus I can call out people with no worries. 😂 I’m thinking of posting a few entries this month so we’ll see. Thank you!!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Mary Añonuevo says:

        you’re lucky you don’t have a sister or a brother who makes so much effort to look for your diary, read them, and tease you about it cause I DO 😂

        Liked by 1 person

      • Bayance says:

        GURL I have three brothers and one sister but the younger ones can’t read my writing and my older ones couldn’t care less 😂 I would totally steal your diary if you were my sister – can’t help it 😂


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