100 Followers?! + Blogging Tips For Beginners

Okay well this was unexpected !

Edit: I have 122 now like what?!


I’m not gonna make up something and be like “so I woke up this morning and I got a notification that I reached 100 followers 😱😱😱” because I read all my notifications and I’ve watched my blog reach 30,40,50,60 ect. but to be honest with you I didn’t expect it to reach 100 this fast. Like a month?! Are you kidding? A 100 people?

Image result for 100 people


Most people would say something like “I can’t thank you enough” but like ummm 100 people clicked my profile and followed that’s kinda overwhelming. Well at least I don’t get to feel it or else I would get so much anxiety like ugh just look at that picture 😂.  Also my goal isn’t to get lots of followers. I care more about our blogging community. My favourite thing about blogging is reading everyone’s comments and blogs like I’m so happy that I met all of you ( well not literally met but you know what I mean). Sooo as a thank you, I’m going to give you guys all my top secret tips and what I learned. Let’s get started.

1. Get Yourself Out There

I’ve noticed that some blogs are just typing up posts and uploading them waiting for likes to come. It doesn’t really work like that though. You have to reach out. Almost every blog I saw, there were people I knew in the comments. They did a lot of reaching out too. Also, check out other people’s blogs to discover not just to get followers. Commenting ‘great post’ is basically a ‘K’ and no one likes a ‘K’  😂.

Image result for did you just 'k' me gif

This one girl commented “Cool. Follow me.” and I was like okay… She improved now but I found it pretty funny  😂 😂. Here are a couple ways to discover new blogs.

  • Find people in the comments of blogs you follow (I actually went through a whole chain and found a blog who is now my online best friend 😂)
  • Search up blogs you want to see (press sort by date to get a reply faster) I usually search up blogs with the same title as me once I upload a blog.
  • Check out everyone in the nomination section in those Award blogs (you’ll get to see some more awesome bloggers)
  • Check out ‘Get to Know ___ ” blogs. Beafree and Angela have ton of those.


2. Website Layout

Having a theme and a neat layout makes your website more appealing. I’m really happy with my theme and it’s completely free. I struggled for a while finding the size to fit in my banners and  featured images but I finally found out that the ‘Desktop Wallpaper’ option in Canva works perfectly. I also discovered a new trick. Well maybe everyone knew it and I was the last to know. But if you press customize and then widgets then custom html and copy an image and paste it, it’ll show up on your blog. Like that’s so fricking cool. I added 3 hearts and tea. You’re probably reading this in reader so just quickly visit my site and have a look lol.

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3. Pictures

I learned so much about pictures! So at first, I was like oh 3 GB? Easy peesy I could just delete the photos and upload more. Stupid wordpress. But nope, the picture deletes from your website too. So I uploaded them again and I learned my lesson 😂😂 Now if you’re on a wordpress based website (not self-hosted) then I recommend being wise with your pictures. For gifs and pictures from the internet, I just copy and paste them on here. I currently, after one month of blogging have used 10% of my memory. Which is pretty good. There are some people who take 500 pictures of the same thing which is kind of a waste of storage so add pictures but don’t overwhelm. Also, make your pictures medium size. I kind of have mine small because giant pictures are not appealing to me lol. But if you like giant pictures, go for it. Another thing. Make your pictures look good. I recommend a white background or marble. But like your messy room in your background is not so nice. So consider that when taking pictures. I also like to group pictures together if it’s different angles of the same thing. We don’t want to be scrolling down forever. 😂


4. Don’t Compare

Okay you guys so there was this blog who started 2 weeks after mine and had 200 followers already and I was like um how did she do that? I looked at my stats and compared with other people. I just couldn’t help it. But one day I just kinda stopped caring and just wanted to talk to you guys. I never looked at my stats and I didn’t care about people’s followers and people just started following like what?


5. Widgets

Explore your widget options. I recommend adding a follow button, a subscribe button, and archives (category or date). Don’t overwhelm your widgets either. Keep it simple.


6. Collabs & Awards

Collabs and awards are a great way to participate in the blogging community. Host a collabaway or make your own award. You could also search for ‘Who wants to collab?’ in the search bar. Awards give a chance for you to let your followers know a bit more about you. I also love love love reading people’s award posts that I nominated.


7. Check your Reader

I always check my reader for new blogs that I like. Feel free to skip over ones you won’t like reading because then you’ll end up commenting ‘great post’ and that’s not fun 😂. But um if you skipped over mine, then SHAME ON YOU! Lol I’m kidding 😂😂 You can still stay.

Image result for im kidding...no im not gif


8. Get Inspired

Every time I come up with an idea, I write it down on my ‘to-blog’ list. I never really feel unmotivated since I’m constantly thinking of new ideas. Remember my back to school hairstyles I can’t do blog. Um if you didn’t then click here. Well that day, I didn’t think i was going to make a blog but I saw this hairstyle video and I was like I can’t do thaaat then I was like WAIT, THERES SO MUCH I CAN’T DO 😂😂😂 I also noticed that I kept misspelling disappear and I was like THERES SO MUCH I MISSPELL sooo hint hint blog is going up on Sunday. Blog ideas help too. Another thing, I got the whole “-” cutting off sign from my friend and I use it a lot. Andd this blogger I found recently is literally amazingggg. I got the whole Header 6 font idea from her (even though I don’t do it as much).

Image result for I LOVE THIS gif


9. Social Media

I was too lazy to make social media for my blog but I made an instagram. It’s called bayanceblogs btw #shamelessselfpromo but I made it in case any of you want to dm me and I also started updating on there too. It’s also a good way to interact with your followers or collab partners.


10. Be Yourself

When I first started, I thought I was the only teen blogger here and everyone was in their twenties 😂. I never said ‘lol’ or ‘xD’ because I thought I would sound like a kid but then I saw some people actually did that on here and I was like really? So then I just started being comfortable saying it. Don’t try to change to get people to like you. That’s also in real life. If you don’t like DIYS, don’t make DIY blogs. I also read from this one blogger, I don’t remember – Wait I think it was that british blogger with red hair – I forgot her name – oh no i’m such a bad person- she won’t read this anyways but she mentioned that “film a video with you talking and then write it down. I also used to write down my blogs since I was better doing that but I’m fine with typing now. OH I JUST THOUGHT OF SOMETHING! Create a blog series. Yesterday, I finished my back to school marathon but feel free to stalk through if you haven’t. Those are super unique and fun to make. I personally love Beafree’s As Told By A Subtitute series and Alexa’s Awkward Files series.  But yeah, do what you like and be fully yourself.


And if you’d like, don’t even follow any of these. Do what you want to do. Because it’s your blog. But these are some tips to expand your blog and things I learned. I hope this helped. Let me know in the comments what you learned from your blogging experience or if you have any questions. And again, thank you for 100. Oh! Every time I want to join a milestone party, I’m always too late so you know what, I’m making my own. And no matter how late you are. You still get UNLIMITED FRIES AND ICE CREAM!

Image result for fries gif Image result for ice cream gif


Okay I’m getting a seizure from these gifs. I’ll see you guys Sunday.

Bayyy 💞



89 thoughts on “100 Followers?! + Blogging Tips For Beginners

  1. lifeofangela says:

    Congrats on 100!! I too eyeball my followers, and I screeched so hard when i hit 100. I still do when I reach another milestone 😄
    Great tips by the way! I appreciate the little shout out to my Have You Met series too! 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Aboutmyawkwardworld says:

    Aww I’m so proud of you. Congrats dude! I know I’ve already said it but I wanna say it on here too☺️ 200 is gonna fly by so quick because you are legit one of the funniest people I know and how can you not follow? Keep going girl, you got this. x

    Liked by 4 people

  3. mysticwriter2002 says:

    Now we are not twinning 😭😭😭😭.
    But congratulations🎆🎇✨🎈🎉🎆🎇🎈🎈🎉🎊🎊🎊🎊🎋🎋🎋you deserve a billion and unlimited followers. 😉😉😉😉

    Liked by 3 people

  4. mysticwriter2002 says:

    Same incident happened to me. Obe girl came and ask me to follow her. But i said that “you can’t force me to follow you” and she stopped following me too. I was like it’s okay i dont give a damn . But after 1 month she came again and said to me “please follow my blog” so I was like okay one follow doesn’t matters and i did . She invited me to give her tips and one day I went to check her blogs . I gave her tip and she took it wrong . now we have a huge conflict😂😂😂what the hell why people do like this?

    Liked by 1 person

  5. KaylynsWorldBlog says:

    Great tips! I actually got rid of my Text Widget because I and my mom saw that people could see the text widget when reading on my site. We thought people could customize my site that way. Congrats on 100 followers! I find myself focusing on all of the followers I get instead of my blog. I think at some point in blogging life we do that!! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Bayance says:

      Awh thank you! I love new commenters because guess what that means? MORE BLOGS TO STALK 😂😂 So let’s just say I’m the official blog stalker but don’t worry I leave likes and comments too.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. The Shining Gem says:

    Yours is quite a funny take on all the blogging “advice” one might come across. Well done haha. The way you write, I’m sure you’ll get a lot more followers in the coming days and hopefully we’ll see a lot more of such preppy posts from you.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. gilesmeetsworld says:

    Thanks for sharing and congrats on getting a following so quickly that’s great! Your tips on going through comments etc and engaging are really helpful. I’ve definitely learnt that I NEED to be doing more engaging outside of my blog.

    Also I think it’s important to celebrate the little victories as, as you say when you compare there always seems to be a bigger blog out there! Good luck with your blogging

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Dhiyanah Liyaudeen says:

    Congratulations on getting 100 followers! I can sense your happiness! 😊
    And thank you for the blogging advice, it’s extremely useful for beginners like me! Thanks a lot for sharing it! 😊..

    Liked by 2 people

  9. autumngirl says:

    and now you have 10 TIMES 100 FOLLOWERS!!!! Girl you’re taking over the blogging community, I LOVE this post, the point about commenting ‘great post’ is SO TRUE, it’s so obvious when people comment without reading the post!! x

    Liked by 1 person

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